Hepsia Stats Manager
Server Information
This section will give you comprehensive info about the web hosting server your account is located on. You can check the OS, the physical IP address and the current PHP/Perl/MySQL versions used, find more information about the currently installed Perl modules and the POP3/IMAP and SMTP mail servers, keep track of the server load, etc.
See Server Information here
Access & Error Logs
This section allows you to check the access and error log files for the domains hosted in your account. An access log represents a list of all the files uploaded onto your site, including text files, image files, video files, etc. that people have requested to access. The error log, on the other hand, contains a list of all warnings and errors associated with your site and helps you prevent any subsequent problems with the site's availability.
See Access & Error Logs here
Traffic Statistics
This section offers you detailed, up-to-date information about the visits to your web site. You can pick between two popular web statistics tools - Webalizer and Awstats. They contain exhaustive info about the number of hits, visits and page requests on a daily and monthly basis. You can find statistics for all the domains and subdomains hosted in your account.
See Traffic Statistics here
CPU Statistics
The server's CPU is used to serve your web pages to your visitors. The more elaborate and data-heavy your sites are, the more CPU time will be needed. This section enables you to keep track of your CPU usage. You should take measures to optimize your websites if the CPU usage limit has been reached. You can view detailed stats for each day and month or for an entire calendar year.
See CPU Statistics here
Unlimited storage | 20 GB storage | 20 GB storage | Unlimited storage | 240 GB storage |
Unlimited bandwidth | 1 TB bandwidth | 1 TB bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | 10 TB bandwidth |
1 website hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted |
30-Day Free Trial | 24/7/365 support | 24/7/365 support | 30-Day Free Trial | 24/7/365 support |
start from $4.99/mo | start from $9.95/mo | start from $6.00/mo | start from $20.00/mo | start from $40.50/mo |